Summative Assessment in the Classroom
You want to provide the best computer science education, and that means assessing standards and student understanding of learning objectives. You need to quantify student knowledge cumulatively throughout the course.
At Codelicious, we understand that you need to evaluate student learning over the entire course. That is why Codelicious Curriculum includes different summative assessment options. With independent and group projects for exhibiting proficiencies and presentations to demonstrate knowledge of key concepts, teachers are able to gain valuable insights into student growth. Let’s take a look at each of these types of summative assessment included in our computer science curriculum.
Projects are embedded throughout Codelicious Courses to allow students to demonstrate proficiencies of what they have learned. Projects take place over the course of one or more lessons depending on how long the project will take. Let’s take a look at a couple summative assessment examples of what these projects look like in our lesson plans.

The project shown above comes from our 7th Grade Computer Science Applications JavaScript course and takes place over one lesson. Notice the activity description and learning objectives. In this project, students are given the opportunity to show what they have learned throughout the course.
Some projects may take more than one lesson to complete. Let’s take a look at a project from our High School Computer Science Python course. Below, notice the progression of the project that develops over five lessons.

As you can see, projects may vary in length and complexity. However, each project provides the teacher with valuable information on student learning and proficiency as students are able to demonstrate their knowledge in an engaging way.
Through presentations, students demonstrate knowledge of key concepts learned throughout each course. Oftentimes, these presentations follow a project in order to further demonstrate learning as well as give and receive feedback from peers. For example, notice the activity description and learning objectives for a presentation lesson from our Computer Science Fundamentals 3rd Grade course.

Below shows a grading rubric for a presentation from our High School Computer Science Python course. Rubrics help teachers evaluate student work. Summative assessment pdf documents are included in the applicable lesson plans.

Summative Assessment Strategies
Now that you have explored examples of summative assessment from Codelicious Curriculum, consider expanding your knowledge with a free professional development webinar called Framework for Assessing Coding Lessons. This virtual, on demand session includes 5 different ways to alleviate the computer science grading burden while still evaluating students’ foundational knowledge, problem solving skills, and creativity. Participants will be able to identify ways to assess coding lessons and leave with a Codelicious coding lesson for teachers to implement in their hybrid or virtual classroom.