Computer Science Slides
We understand that teachers need effective and handy classroom resources to enhance their coding lessons. That’s why we provide slide deck presentations to assist in lesson delivery. Whether you are a novice computer science teacher or a seasoned coding expert, students benefit from visual presentations. We are working to ensure that every course in our computer science curriculum has slide decks. Currently, each of the following courses have a Google Slides presentation for every coding lesson:
Each coding lesson in these courses have a computer science slideshow that can be easily shared with students before, after, or during a lesson. This resource is intended to serve as one of your tools for teaching while navigating a Ellipsis Education coding lesson with students. Using the slide decks will help guide students in their coding experience as they move through the K-12 Pathway.

The slides are connected directly to the lesson plan teacher guide, displaying their steps in a more visual manner. All components required to teach a given lesson (academic content, discussion questions, supplemental resources, images, and videos) are included both in the lesson plan and slide presentation. Step-by-step directions, code images, and tasks are animated throughout the slides, allowing teachers to reveal information to students when they choose.
Teachers are encouraged to use the presentation for computer science students in ways that best serve them. Slides can be presented to whole classes or small groups, both in-person and virtually. Whether in the physical classroom, a remote setting, or a hybrid approach, the slides can open up more possibilities for computer science delivery!
Where to Find Slide Decks in Our Curriculum
Links to slide presentations can be found in each of the coding lesson plans under the Materials and Resources section. Additional information for setting up the slide decks can also be found under the Teacher Preparation section.

Each lesson plan includes two versions of the presentation: Teacher Slides and Student Slides. Each version has a few differences. Teacher Slides include the answer keys for a lesson. In addition, Teacher Slides have brief Speaker Notes included that link teachers to specific procedures in the lesson plan. If any additional action is required from the teacher (showing videos, revealing information on the slide, splitting students into teams, etc.), it will also be stated within the Speaker Notes. Note that Speaker Notes are not visible on the slides when presented to students; they are intended to be another means to guide the educator.

Student Slides provide the same content, simply without answer keys and Speaker Notes. Teachers may wish to share the Student Slides electronically if working asynchronously.
Enhancing Your Teacher Tool Box
We believe slide presentations are a small yet mighty resource for your teacher toolkit. Our computer science presentation slides can help teachers with their daily tasks of planning and progressing through coding lessons. All necessary links and documents are included in the slide decks, allowing teachers to spend more time doing what they do best: teach. If you are interested in learning more about Ellipsis Education and the resources included, schedule a 30 minute call with one of our curriculum experts.
Free Lesson Plans for Teachers
To try out the slide decks in your classroom, download one of our free computer science and technology lesson plans. In this lesson called Hello World!, students will begin to explore the basics of how the internet works and how webpages are built. HTML and other established standards and best practices will be introduced and practiced. Students will create a simple webpage that displays a greeting message. This lesson is built for grades 6-8 and includes the CS slides, materials and teacher resources, a detailed procedure, activity tips, and a bonus challenge activity.