Codelicious is the Perfect Complement to Code org - Ellipsis Education

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Codelicious is the Perfect Complement to Code org

March 3, 2020

The Codelicious team is a huge fan of, and we completely align with the Code org mission statement that “every student in every school should have the opportunity to learn computer science”. 

That is why our offerings work great together!

Computer science curriculum from Codelicious is a natural next step for schools who have used Code org courses. We work with many schools who have completed classroom offerings and are looking for “what comes next”. They ask for advanced courses, additional lesson hours, and expanded topics for students’ computer science education. 

We deliver just that! Codelicious Curriculum ensures a continuous skills progression for K-12 students. The curriculum offers grade level differentiated learning K-12 pathways, aligns with state and national computer science standards, and is continually updated to reflect changes in computer science. Since computer science is more than just coding, Codelicious courses include coding, unplugged, digital citizenship, and STEM career lessons as well as hardware integrations. This contributes to a holistic understanding of computer science. 

Plus, Codelicious courses continue to build the foundations you’ve already established with games. Explore our recommendations for specific courses below, and if you like them, start a 30 day free trial or schedule a 30 minute call with one of our curriculum experts.

Finished Pre Reader Express? Try Computer Science Foundations!’s Pre-Reader Express introduces students to the foundations of block coding. The activities help define concepts like drag/drop, loops, and events. Codelicious Computer Science Foundations courses encourage young students to apply their newfound knowledge with coding “challenges” and unplugged activities. Furthermore, students explore STEM careers like doctor and software developer.

Finished CS Fundamentals or CS Fundamentals: Express? Try Computer Science Fundamentals!

In Units A-F of’s CS Fundamentals for elementary schools, students are introduced to basic computer science concepts like algorithms, loops, and debugging. CS Fundamentals uses Blockly, a block coding platform developed by Google The activities span from a dance party game to a version of Minecraft.

Codelicious Computer Science Fundamentals courses builds on these foundational principles using Scratch*, a similar block-based coding platform. Students learn more advanced concepts, including randomization and parallelism. Finally, students are exposed to STEM careers through discussion-based activities.

* Scratch is a project of the Scratch Foundation, in collaboration with the Lifelong Kindergarten Group at the MIT Media Lab. It is available for free at

Finished CS Discoveries? Try Computer Science Applications!’s CS Discoveries gives middle school students a taste of many different types of programming. The course includes a web development unit, an interactive games unit, and an app design unit. These modules are great for highlighting the many things you can code. They also allow educators to gauge student interest in each topic.

Codelicious Computer Science Applications courses take deep dives into concepts covered in CS Discoveries. These full-year courses are perfect for curious middle school students that want to learn more about a specific topic.

  1. INTRO TO CS APPLICATIONSIf your students enjoy’s web development unit, Codelicious Intro to CS Applications is a natural next step. In this course, students build on skills they learned in’s Web Lab to create interactive web pages. Students also discuss web-based STEM careers, like network administration. For further skills development, Codelicious even offers an advanced JavaScript course, discussed next.
  2. CS APPLICATIONS JAVASCRIPTDid your students really respond to web development? Codelicious CS Applications JavaScript course empowers students to use JavaScript and design best practices to solve real-world problems. This course will expand their understanding of concepts including functions, conditionals, and arrays. Students will also discuss collaboration and problem-solving techniques.
  3. CS APPLICATIONS JAVAIf your students enjoyed the app development unit in CS Discoveries, you may consider advancing your students’ existing computer science skills with CS Applications Java. In this course, learn the basics of object-oriented programming with loops, objects, methods, and classes to build applications like a fitness tracker. Students will also discuss incorporating feedback and physical security measures.

Finished CS Principles? Try High School Computer Science! learn course CS Principles introduces high school students to networks, cryptography, and program design. Codelicious curriculum builds on this course by further preparing high school students for AP Computer Science. Codelicious High School Computer Science courses empower your students with courses that expand their skills. Coding lessons use JavaScript, Java, Python, and Godot to develop websites, programs, and games. Whether students are building websites, manipulating data, or developing games, high schoolers build computer science skills that will prepare them for AP or advanced-level courses.

Computer Science Curriculum

Learn more about how Codelicious curriculum complements courses. Schedule a demo to explore our courses with one of our curriculum experts. You will preview curriculum features such as syllabi, lesson plans, standards mapping, and more!

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