Pipeline Technical Director - Ellipsis Education

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Pipeline Technical Director

January 11, 2022
This episode is part of our My STEM Career series. Explore the entire My STEM Career offering, and sign up for our newsletter to be notified of new episodes.

Careers in Movies

Name: Will Muto
Title: Pipeline Technical Director
Company: Industrial Light and Magic

Lights, camera, action! Explore the role of Pipeline Technical Director with Will Muto of Industrial Light and Magic. At ILM, Will has worked on many iconic movies, including the latest Star Wars trilogy.

Learn more about Industrial Light and Magic.

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Introduction Transcription

Star Wars is a modern classic. Through all the twists and turns in the series, multiple trilogies and spin off shows, you can always expect one thing: explosions. In space.

Today, you’ll hear my conversation with one of the brilliant people that helps create those special effects. Will Muto is a Pipeline Technical Director at Industrial Light and Magic, the groundbreaking visual effects company behind Star Wars.

Each Star Wars movie is an incredible combination of technology and art. Join me as we learn more about Will’s job as a Technical Director, all the way from starting a new project to seeing his name in the credits.

My STEM Career

Teachers and students: explore STEM careers and discover the ways computer science knowledge can help regardless of your path. In this show, we speak with industry experts that share information about their careers, describe their professional experiences, and offer advice to students. This show is hosted by Codelicious Computer Science Curriculum.