Looking for a condensed set of curriculum hours for a classroom trial, computer science camp, or summer program? The Introduction to Computer Science Applications Pilot delivers 10 one-hour lessons including Coding (using JavaScript), Unplugged, Digital Citizenship, and STEM career explorations.
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This project-based course is designed for students who have previous exposure to or clearly expressed interest in computer science. Students use Java, a line-coding language, to understand fundamental computer science principles like loops, functions, and conditional statements. Educators guide students through projects, including a computer science research presentation, that contribute to computational thinking and analytical skills.
Pacing guide
Vocabulary words and definitions
Coding activities
Unplugged activities
Digital citizenship activities
Teacher training videos
Formative assessments
Sample standards alignment mapping using CSTA K-12 CS Standards.
10 modules of step-by-step lesson plans
Each lesson plan is designed to enable students to achieve specific learning outcomes related to course aligned computer science competencies. For example, at the end of this course students will be able to:
Represent physical objects in a digital space using object-oriented programming.
Establish variables and data types when designing programs.
Apply the basics of Java to build interactive programs.
Apply software planning concepts to programs.
Describe the roles and responsibilities of a software developer and explain how foundations of STEM are relevant to the career as a whole.
— Brayden, 7th Grader
— Dr. Sheri Clegg, Principal
Not every student loves to code, and that’s ok. That’s why the Four Pillars of Engagement are at the core of every Codelicious course. Each pillar includes activities built to engage every learning style in the classroom.
Schedule a 30-minute conversation to explore this course with one of our curriculum experts. You will preview curriculum features such as syllabi, lesson plans, and standards mapping.