Codelicious is Now Ellipsis Education - Ellipsis Education

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Codelicious is Now Ellipsis Education

February 28, 2023

We have an exciting announcement – our company name has changed from Codelicious to Ellipsis Education!

We’ve long said that computer science is more than just coding. Our new name and branding is another step toward helping teachers embrace ALL that computer science has to offer. More on that later.

But, most importantly, what changes for you? When it comes down to it – nothing. We’re still providing the same high-quality computer science curriculum you’ve come to expect. The rebrand will not affect or delay any current or future users of our curriculum.

Our website, social media, and company emails switched to Ellipsis Education on March 31, 2023. You’ll start to notice rolling updates to our collateral, including the course catalog, downloadable resources, and curriculum documents over the summer. 

As Ellipsis Education, we’re still dedicated to the same mission: removing barriers to teaching computer science. We hope to support you as you bring CS to your students!

What’s in a name?

An ellipsis (pronounced EL-LIP-SIS) is a series of dots that indicates an unfinished thought, leading statement, or slight pause. It can be written with spaces in between the dots (. . .) or without (…).

It’s important to note that an ellipsis is one set of three dots. Ellipses (EL-LIP-SEES) is the plural, or multiple series of three dots. We’ve chosen the singular “ellipsis” to represent our new brand!    

So what does this mean to us?

Constant Evolution

An ellipsis represents constant evolution, one thing leading to the next. Similarly, since technology only continues to progress, the study of computer science is never complete. That’s what makes it so exciting!

We make the same commitment to constant evolution in our curriculum. Computer science isn’t like math, where the basic ideas always stay the same. Our lessons and resources continuously evolve with the market. Our goal is to help you teach your students the most up to date technologies, strategies, and skills.

That way, when something new inevitably comes along, students have a strong foundation to apply what they’ve learned. 

Cross-Curricular Connections

Additionally, the ellipsis symbol appears across many subjects taught in K-12 classrooms. Click the plus sign (+) to learn more and see examples.

Meaning “continue on like this”, “continue this pattern”, or “continue this pattern until told to stop”.

Example: The multiples of 3 are 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21, 24, 27 . . .

Can be found in English, Polish, Russian, Japanese, Chinese, Spanish, French, German, and Italian, among others.

Example: In Chinese, an ellipsis is represented by two groups of 3 dots, taking up the same amount of space as two characters (⋯⋯).

In Spanish and French, an ellipsis is used at the end of a list as a substitute for “et cetera”.

An operator in coding languages like Java and a text-overflow property in HTML and CSS.

Example: Defining a range or sequence 1...10

English, Math, World Languages, and Programming. Much like an ellipsis, computer science can be found (and used!) across all of these subjects. 

Our curriculum reflects that fact. Across all grade levels, students use cross-curricular skills. They recognize and define problems. They interpret patterns. They create practical solutions.

These skills are essential for success – in academic settings and beyond.


All in all, computer science is no longer a “should” – it’s a must. Students learn thought processes, social skills, and digital literacy that will serve them for the rest of their lives.

That is why we’re imagining a world where all learners have equitable access to high-quality computer science education.

All of this, summed up by three little dots. From all of us at Ellipsis Education, we’re grateful to our customers, partners, and community for joining us on this journey!

Media Contact

Whitney Dove, Ph.D.
VP of Product