Teacher Friendly
Codelicious Computer Science Curriculum is written to be teacher friendly. Learn more about the curriculum elements, professional development, and ongoing support that empowers all teachers to be computer science teachers.
Curriculum Elements
Courses are delivered with instructional resources teachers need to feel confident teaching computer science, including Summative & Formative Assessments, Customized Syllabus & Pacing Guide, Customized standards alignment mappings, Coding, Digital Citizenship, STEM Careers, Unplugged, Hardware Projects, and Step-by-step lesson plans with educator resources, English language learner supplemental teaching guides, teacher and student slide decks, vocabulary, and challenge activities.
We provide step-by-step lesson plans with each course to help ensure every teacher is confident teaching computer science. The lessons are scaffolded and paced to deliver student outcomes, maintain fidelity of instruction and provide multiple opportunities for teachers to tailor the lesson to the needs of their students. Our curriculum is delivered digitally, but each lesson plan includes a teacher printable copy because we know some educators prefer a hard copy.
At Codelicious, we know that you need choices when you check for student understanding throughout each lesson. One of the options provided in Codelicious curriculum is formative assessments. Codelicious includes multiple formative assessment types to help teachers gain a better understanding of each student’s progress toward learning objectives.
Codelicious leverages summative assessments at the end of each course to provide educators with classroom insights and gauge student mastery of computer science concepts. We provide the results of these assessments so you can evaluate students’ achievement of learning objectives throughout the course. It is important to note we do not collect student Personal Information. For more details on our privacy policy, you can find a link in the “Related Links” section of this page.
For each coding lesson, school and teacher partners will have access to lesson specific supplemental teaching guides. They provide leveled accommodations, goals, and suggestions for helping English language learners access the coding curriculum and accomplish learning and language goals alongside their peers.
Using the WIDA Performance Definitions, the WIDA Model Performance Indicator framework, and SIOP research-based best practices, Codelicious has created documents to help educators expand students’ language skills in the domains of listening, speaking, reading, and writing while maintaining full access to the innovative and challenging computer science curriculum offered to all students.
Each coding lesson in Codelicious Curriculum includes a Google Slides presentation that can be easily shared with students before, after, or during a lesson. The slides are connected directly to the teacher lesson plan, displaying their steps in a more visual manner. All components required to teach a given lesson (academic content, discussion questions, supplemental resources, images, and videos) are now included both in the lesson plan AND slide presentation. Whether in the physical classroom, a remote setting, or a hybrid approach, the slides can open up more options for computer science delivery.

Professional Development and Training
Should you choose to implement Codelicious Curriculum, you can pick from three types of training (self-paced video, interactive webinar, and in-person). Each training type provides guidance for setting up the classroom, navigating the lesson plans, and exploring the coding, unplugged, digital citizenship, and STEM career lessons as well as hardware integrations.
Self-paced Video Training: Codelicious curriculum includes product and platform video-based training with all curricula; no extra charge. These short videos are perfect for educators interested in a self-paced training opportunity. The videos can be used as a refresher throughout the course instruction.
Interactive Webinar Training: These 3-hour sessions, delivered by Codelicious Customer Experience Team members, provide interactive guidance for teachers, and include a train-the-trainer model.
In-Person Training: The duration of these training sessions is designed to meet the needs of educators. Sessions are delivered by Codelicious Customer Experience Team members, provide interactive guidance for teachers, and include a train-the-trainer model.
Codelicious also offers free teacher workshops via webinar. These sessions cover various computer science topics, offering guidance for novice CS teachers while also allowing experienced CS teachers room for professional growth. You can download recorded sessions on demand from our free resources page, and find out about upcoming live sessions by signing up for our newsletter (all links under the “Related Links” section). After participating in a Codelicious professional development session, you will receive a certificate of PD completion to your email inbox.
Ongoing Support
Each school has a dedicated Customer Experience Team available to educators through their onboarding, training, and ongoing experience with Codelicious Curriculum. The Customer Experience Team builds a relationship with the school/district leadership and all educators to ensure that the interaction with the Codelicious curriculum is meeting customer needs and expectations, product, and platform questions are explained, and ensure continuity of care. Research has demonstrated this real-time support is critical for the fidelity of implementation and we have embedded this into our training model.