Codelicious curriculum is built to be flexible. Learn more about how Codelicious curriculum fits multiple instructional strategies with a custom pacing guide, custom syllabus, and options for blended learning.
Teaching Computer Science in Schools
Our courses can be customized to fit into an existing class period, added to a specials rotation, or introduced as a stand alone class. You tell us how much time on task your teachers will have for computer science (20 minutes three times a week or 60 minutes once a week), and we provide customized curriculum to fit your specific needs.
Because our curriculum delivery is customized, we provide course work and resources that are tailored to your specific needs. Our curriculum has fit seamlessly with the following instructional and learning models.
Curriculum Pacing Guide
You need a consistent curriculum for your teachers and students that is tailored to your scheduling needs. That is why a customized pacing guide is provided with every course. This document is tailored to your instructional cadence, ensuring teachers can provide continuity between class periods, parity across classrooms, and scaffolding through grade levels.
When we deliver a pacing guide, it has been customized to fit the specific requirements of a particular school or district. This example shows a course pacing guide for a school with 45 minutes of instructional time for 36 weeks. In addition, educators can see a daily summary of the topics, learning objectives, and activities to be covered.
Computer Science Syllabus
Each Codelicous course is also delivered with a customized syllabus. These examples of syllabi show the differences in a single course curriculum when delivered for 60 minutes twice a week or 30 minutes once a week.

By the end of the course, each will have delivered the complete set of activities and be fully aligned to state or national computer science standards. The differences in the number of activities per day and the variation you can see in the order of activities is related to the time available for course work and the time on task each activity requires.
The instructional resources teachers need to confidently teach computer science are customized to time on task as well. This includes the syllabus, pacing guide, step by step lesson plans, and standards alignment mapping.
Blended Learning
Codelicious Curriculum provides teachers with the flexibility to engage students at school, at home, or in a blended learning environment. The curriculum also includes activities that can support both synchronous and asynchronous learning. (Note: We are synchronous by design, but our activities can be delivered by an educator to a student in a way that supports asynchronous learning.)
Codelicious is committed to providing holistic computer science lessons with coding platforms that are free for students. In a blended learning environment, this means students can switch between their school and home devices seamlessly – there is no need for additional software licensing.
An additional challenge with remote learning is not all students have the same level of access to the internet. Luckily, you can still teach many of our projects with emailed or printed packets of handouts, or using the offline versions of coding platforms.
Every school has different devices, whether it’s a computer lab, Chromebook cart, or even 1:1 devices. That technology situation most likely is not replicated at home – students might have to work from a different device or operating system. To meet students where they are during blended learning, Codelicious strives to provide device-agnostic lessons. That way, educators can engage their students with Codelicious curriculum, regardless of if they have a Chromebook, iPad, or even a smartphone.