Codelicious Computer Science Curriculum is built to be comprehensive. Learn more about grade differentiation, standards alignment, and lesson types included in the curriculum.
Grade Level Differentiated
Codelicious provides a grade level differentiated curriculum, customized to each districts’ unique instructional strategy for computer science integration. This allows Codelicious to support your computer science plan – from a single course adoption in a single school building to a full district, full grade level implementation.

Our courses build on one another. Codelicious courses provide a progression of skills from K – 12 that scaffold and reinforce computer science concepts, just as you would in a math or science program. This helps to prevent learning gaps and ensure students are prepared for the following grade.
For schools who are just beginning to integrate computer science, a customized approach ensures that each grade level learns the foundational skills they need to progress. We want to help you empower teachers and students to take on a new subject.
Computer Science Standards
Codelicious Computer Science Curriculum is aligned to the local, state, or national computer science standards adopted by each school or district. Codelicious Curriculum also reinforces Common Core State standards, SEL competencies, and the Four Cs of 21st Century Learners. If you have a specific standard of interest, there’s a good chance we align to it. Schedule a demo using the button at the bottom of this page, and our curriculum specialists can help you find answers.
We understand that ensuring courses fully align with computer science standards can be challenging. Determining which lessons cover the standards, when they will be taught, and generating the alignment documentation is time consuming.
That is why customized standards alignment maps are provided with every Codelicious course. They are tailored to your unique curriculum pacing and standards requirements, and are regularly updated to keep pace with standard and technology changes. This documentation saves you valuable time and enables teachers to quickly identify when and where each standard is addressed within the curriculum. Watch the video below to learn more about Codelicious standards maps.
Inclusive of Multiple Lesson Types
Computer Science is more than just coding – there are many ways to incorporate computer science into your school day. That’s why the Core Pillars of Codelicious Curriculum are at the core of every course: coding, digital citizenship, STEM careers, unplugged, and hardware integrations.
Coding lessons teach students coding and computer science skills, programming concepts, computational thinking, and programming languages, among others.
Unplugged lessons provide students with opportunities to apply computer science skills and concepts to off-line projects and activities.
STEM career lessons encourage students to consider possible careers, and the variety of ways STEM knowledge can help them regardless of career path. Various job titles and industries are covered.
Digital citizenship lessons address the safe and ethical use of technology, providing students with the skills they need to grow and thrive in the digital world.
Hardware integrations within lessons use everyday materials to provide hands-on learning experiences focused on engaging tactile learners and helping to cement students’ understanding of computer science concepts.